Monday, February 18, 2019

Diabetic Neuropathy – Pain Management

Diabetic Neuropathy is a condition that harms the nerves. The damage to the nerves is painful. The nerve damage is most often in the legs and feet. Neuropathy is a common and serious complication of type 1 and type 2 diabetics.
Patients suffering from diabetics should consult a doctor if they notice tingling pain, weakness, or numbness in the hands or feet. Different types of diabetic neuropathy affect different areas of the body.
Symptoms of Diabetic Neuropathy
  • Pain or numbness in the hands or feet
  • Sensitivity to touch or loss of sense of touch
  • Burning sensation in feet (especially at night)
  • Muscle weakness or wasting
  • Difficulty with coordination when walking
  • Indigestion nausea, or vomiting
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Dizziness when standing up
  • Excessive or decreased sweating
  • Bladder problems (incomplete bladder emptying)
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Increased heart rate
Different Types of Diabetic Neuropathy
Peripheral Neuropathy
This is the most common form of neuropathy. It affects the feet and legs. In some cases, it affects the arms and hands too. The symptoms are mild to severe.
  • Sharp pain
  • Cramping or numbness
  • Tingling or burning sensations
  • Muscle weakness
  • Extreme sensitivity to touch
  • Loss of balance or coordination
The symptoms are often experienced at night. Patients suffering from peripheral neuropathy don’t feel an injury or soreness on their feet.
Autonomic Neuropathy
This type of neuropathy affects the digestive system (stomach). Apart from the digestive system it also affects the blood vessels, sex organs, and urinary system.
  • Digestive System Symptoms
        • Bloating
        • Constipation
        • Diarrhea
        • Feeling full after small meals
        • Heartburn
        • Nausea
        • Vomiting
  • Blood Vessels Symptoms
        • Dizziness
        • Faster heartbeat
        • Low blood pressure
Proximal Neuropathy
Proximal neuropathy (diabetic amyotrophy) is a rare form of neuropathy. It is most common in men over 50 years of age. It affects the buttocks, thighs, and hips. Patients may experience sudden and severe pain.
Diabetic amyotrophy usually affects one side of the body. Muscle weakness in the legs makes it difficult to stand without assistance.
Mononeuropathy (focal neuropathy) involves damage to a specific nerve (leg, middle of the body or face). The symptoms include pain in the:
  • Pelvis or lower back
  • Foot or shin
  • Abdomen or chest
  • Front of thigh
Diabetic Neuropathy – Treatment
Diabetic neuropathy has no treatment. Its progression can definitely be slowed down. The best way to treat neuropathy is to keep the blood sugar levels within a healthy range. This helps in relieving some of the symptoms.
  • Pain Management
Medications are often used to treat the pain caused by diabetic neuropathy. The other alternatives that are used to manage pain include 360 Pain Treatment and acupuncture.
The alternative pain management therapies provide relief from pain when they are used with medication.
  • Manage Complications
Therapies, medications, and lifestyle changes are suggested by doctors to manage the many complications of neuropathy. It is advisable to monitor the blood sugar level to deal with the many symptoms of diabetic neuropathy.
Dr. Raju Mantena works with each individual patient to customize the 360 Pain Treatment as per their specific requirement. The personal attention and quality care help patients achieve a pain-free life.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Ganglion Cysts – Diagnosis and Pain Management

Ganglion Cysts (Bible cysts) are non-cancerous lumps in the hand. They usually appear along joints or tendons. The cysts occur on the hand or wrist but can also appear on the foot or ankle.
The cyst appears like a sac of liquid. A colorless, clear, thick and sticky liquid is found inside the sac. Depending on the size of the cyst they may feel spongy or firm.
Dr. Raju Mantena identifies the cause of the pain. This helps in determining the best treatment. The best treatment helps alleviate the pain and enable patients to regain their life. 360 Pain Treatment is a holistic approach to treating pain.


  • Ganglion cysts often cause some degree of pain. If the cyst presses on a nerve, it can cause considerable pain, muscle weakness, numbness, and tingling. The pain is usually chronic. It is often made worse by joint motion.
  • If the cyst is connected to a tendon, a sense of weakness is felt in the affected finger.
  • The cysts are oval or round. They usually appear as a mass that changes size.
  • The swelling appears over time. It gets bigger or smaller in size. The swelling may even go away and reappear later.
  • The cysts develop along the joints or tendons of the hands and wrist. Feet and ankle are also common locations. The cysts can appear near other joints too.


Non-Surgical Treatment

  • Observation
Ganglion cysts are not cancerous. They most often disappear with time. If you don’t have any symptoms, the doctor may recommend waiting and watching. This is done to ensure that no unusual changes occur.
  • Immobilization
An activity that increases pressure on the nerve causes pain. The activity causes the cyst to increase in size. A splint or wrist brace relieves symptoms. It also causes the ganglion cysts to decrease in size.
When the pain decreases, the doctor prescribes exercises. The exercises improve the range of motion and strengthen the wrist.
  • Aspiration
If the ganglion cyst limits activities or causes considerable pain, fluid is drained from the cyst. The procedure is known as aspiration. The cyst is punctured with a needle after numbing the area around it. The fluid is then withdrawn.
The connection to the tendon sheath or the joint should be removed to prevent from cyst from occurring again. Aspiration procedure doesn’t remove the root of the cyst. In most cases, the cyst returns after the procedure.
Surgery is recommended if the ganglion cyst returns after aspiration. The surgical procedure that is used to remove the cyst is known as excision. Excision is an outpatient procedure. Patients are able to go home after a period of observation.
360 Pain Treatment is a multidisciplinary approach to treating pain. The treatment helps achieve sustainable long-term relief without surgery. The treatment improves quality of life and enables patients to return to an active lifestyle.
Dr. Raju Mantena is an expert in pain management. A personalized treatment plan is developed to address the unique needs of each patient. The different treatment options enable patients to get back to their productive lifestyle.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Pain Management

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful condition that affects the wrist and arm. The median nerve runs through the length of the arm. The nerve runs through the passage in the wrist known as the carpal tunnel. Increased pressure on the median nerve causes carpal tunnel syndrome.
When tissues that surround the flexor tendons swell or when the carpal tunnel narrows down, it puts pressure on the median nerve. The abnormal pressure on the median nerve causes considerable pain.

Risk Factors for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Repetitive Hand Use – Repeating the same wrist and hand movements or activities over a prolonged period of time will aggravate the tendons in the wrist. This will cause swelling and put pressure on the nerve.

  • Hand and Wrist Position – Doing activities involving an extreme extension or flexion of the wrist or hand for a prolonged period of time increases pressure on the nerve.

  • Health Conditions – Rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and thyroid gland imbalance are health conditions associated with carpal tunnel syndrome.

  • Heredity – The carpal tunnel is smaller in some people or anatomic differences limit the amount of space for the nerve. These factors are mostly heredity.

  • Pregnancy – Hormonal changes during pregnancy cause swelling of the carpal tunnel.


The symptoms start gradually. The initial symptoms include tingling or numbness in the middle, index, and thumb fingers. Patients will feel discomfort in the palm and wrist.
The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include:
  • Pain, numbness, burning and tingling in the ring, middle, index, and thumb fingers.
  • Pain or tingling from up the forearm towards the shoulder.
  • Irregular shock-like sensations. The sensations radiate to the ring, middle, index, and thumb fingers.
  • Loss of coordination and strength. This makes it difficult to perform simple activities like lifting things with your hands.
  • Weakness in the hand.
  • Difficulty gripping things.


The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome worsen without treatment. Early diagnosis and treatment will stop the progression of the painful condition.
Non-Surgical Treatment
  • Bracing or Splinting

Keep the wrist from bending by wearing a brace or splint when you sleep. Keeping the wrist in a straight position will relieve pressure on the nerve. The brace can also be worn during the day to protect the wrist.

  • Activity Changes

Activities that aggravate the symptoms should be changed or modified. This will help slow the progression of the disease. Avoid keeping the wrist and hand in the same position for prolonged periods.

  • Nerve Gliding Exercises

Nerve gliding exercises help the median nerve to move freely within the carpal tunnel. A physical therapist may recommend specific exercises depending on the severity of the pain.

  • Steroid Injections

Steroid injections help relieve painful symptoms. Doctors use the cortisone injection to diagnose the carpal tunnel syndrome.


Surgery is performed to relieve pressure on the median nerve. The two different surgical techniques that are used include:
  • Open carpal tunnel release
  • Endoscopic carpal tunnel release
360 Pain Treatment helps manage pain with physical activity, medications, and activity modification. The goal of the treatment is to get the patient back to their normal routine with minimal downtime.
Dr. Raju Mantena determines the underlying condition for the pain. This helps in creating a treatment plan based on the symptoms. The comprehensive treatment by Dr. Raju Mantena will help you get back to doing things you love.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Cervicogenic Headaches – Treat the Killer Headache with Pain Management Therapy

Cervicogenic headaches are a debilitating medical condition. They can have a negative effect on the quality of your life. These headaches mimic migraines. This can make them difficult to distinguish, diagnose, and treat.
Headaches happen for different reasons. If a headache is caused by a problem in the cervical spinal area or neck, it is known as a cervicogenic headache. It is a type of a secondary headache that occurs due to problems with the nerves in the spine or neck.

Spinal Nerve Structures and Cervicogenic Headaches

Spinal nerve structures are signal transmitters. This enables communication between the body and the brain. A set of spinal nerves are found at each level of the cervical spine. These nerves enable sensation and function of the neck and head.
Nerve compression causes cervicogenic headaches. Pain and inflammation are the common symptoms. Osteoarthritis of the cervical spine joints, trauma to the neck and head are factors that cause these headaches.


A cervicogenic headache is often a non-throbbing, steady pain at the base and back of the skull. It sometimes extends between the shoulder blades and down into the neck. Pain is also felt between the forehead and brow. The pain starts after a sudden neck movement.
  • Dizziness
  • Stiff Neck
  • Blurred Vision
  • Nausea
  • Pain in the Arms
  • Pain on One Side of the Face or Head
  • Sensitivity to Sound or Light
  • Dizziness

Risk Factors

The risk factors of cervicogenic headaches include:
  • Cervical Disc Problems
  • Sleep Difficulties
  • Muscular Stress
  • Fatigue
  • Poor Posture

Treat and Manage Cervicogenic Headaches

Cervicogenic headaches are recurrent and can be debilitating. Several treatment techniques are used to manage pain. This helps prevent future occurrences.
  • Physical Therapy
Physical therapy strengthens weak neck muscles. It also improves the mobility of the joints. The doctor may also recommend alternative treatments such as 360 Pain Treatment. This will lessen muscle and nerve pain in the neck.

  • Medication
Inflammation and other problems with the muscles, nerves, joints or tendons cause cervicogenic headaches. Medications are often prescribed by doctors to reduce the pain.

  • Surgery
If the pain is severe, surgery is the preferred choice. If a headache is caused due to nerve compression, surgery will help relieve the pain.

Prevention of Cervicogenic Headaches

Headaches that are caused due to osteoarthritis are not preventable. The pain management strategies that can help prevent cervicogenic headaches include:
  • Avoiding neck and head collisions
  • Prevent injuries to the cervical spine
  • Practice good posture when driving or sitting
  • Avoid sleeping with the neck propped too high. The neck and spine should be in alignment when sleeping.
Finding relief for cervicogenic headaches can be challenging. Living with pain caused by headaches is a daily struggle. 360 Pain Treatment will help stop pain ruin your life. The advanced non-surgical treatment technique helps patients living in pain.
Proper diagnosis and treatment start with an experienced pain doctor. Dr. Raju Mantena will get right to the source of the pain and provide treatment that is tailored to your specific needs. The unique treatment plan will help restore the quality of your life.

Visit Our Website for more details

Friday, January 25, 2019

Chest Wall Pain – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Chest pain is alarming as most people associate it with a heart attack. The chest wall is a structure that surrounds and protects the lungs, including the sternum and ribs. Chest wall pain is associated with the rib cage, breast, or muscle in the chest.
Individuals feel pain when they do certain movements or when pressure is applied to the chest wall. The pain is felt in one side of the chest or across a wider area.
Even though heart attack can cause chest pain, it is important to remember that it can be caused by other conditions too. The other conditions include digestive, lung, and muscle issues. Dr Raju Mantena is Pain specialist based on Houston area.

Symptoms of Chest Wall Pain

  • Aching
  • Burning
  • Sharp and Stabbing
  • Tearing
  • Pain worsens with movement of the chest or when arms are raised or when the torso is twisted
  • Pain increases with a cough or sneeze
The other symptoms include:
  • Shooting pain that extends to the neck and back
  • Tingling
  • Numbness

Chest Wall Pain Causes

The chest is made of bone, muscles and other organs. The most common cause of chest wall pain are musculoskeletal conditions.

Musculoskeletal Problems

  • Costochondritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Pulled chest muscle or intercostal muscle strain
  • Nerve entrapment
  • Lower rib pain syndrome or slipping rib syndrome
  • Trauma or injury to the chest (due to a car accident)
  • Tietze’s syndrome
  • Stress fracture in the ribs
  • Rheumatic diseases (ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, or psoriatic arthritis)

Cardiovascular Problems

  • Angina
  • Heart attack
  • Myocarditis
  • Pericarditis

Lung Problems

  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Pneumonia

Gastrointestinal Problems

  • Gallstones
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease
  • Peptic ulcer


The doctor will check the chest, sternum, and ribs for swelling. This is done if the doctor suspects the pain to be caused due to a musculoskeletal problem (costochondritis or rib fracture).
The tests done to evaluate pain caused by musculoskeletal problem includes:
  • Electromyography
  • Chest X-ray
  • Musculoskeletal ultrasound
  • Nerve conduction velocity tests
  • Sympathetic skin response (nerve reaction is tested when it is triggered with stimuli)
Heart function is tested if the patient has risk factors for heart disease (high blood pressure, diabetics, obesity or history of smoking). The tests that are done to determine heart function include:
  • Blood tests
  • Electrocardiogram
  • Exercise stress tests
  • Echocardiogram
If the doctor suspects a problem with the lungs, the diagnostic tests include:
  • Bronchoscopy
  • CT scan
  • Thoracentesis
Treatments for Chest Wall Pain
The treatment will vary depending on the cause of the chest wall pain.

  • Musculoskeletal Problem
If the pain is due to a musculoskeletal problem, it is managed with physical therapy, stretching, muscle relaxers, and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Avoid activities that can aggravate the pain. Corticosteroid injections will reduce inflammation if the pain is persistent or severe.

  • Lung Infection
Lung infections (pneumonia) are often treated with antibiotics.

360 Pain Treatment is used to treat many types of pain. As pain varies from person to person, the treatment plan is customized as per the specific needs of the patient. The pain treatment plan eliminates the triggers of the painful condition.

Dr. Raju Mantena specializes in managing pain. The most advanced non-surgical techniques are used to get patients back to their peak performance. This helps patients on the road to recovery.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Back Pain Treatment for Sciatica

The pain of sciatica is irritating, thumping and continuous of which the severity can be felt by the patient only. While the conventional medical system generally suggests for the surgery, most of the people are looking for an alternative way which is nonsurgical to get relief. In this scenario doctor who is specialized in Lower back pain is treating sciatical with success. Before know how this improved treatment process can make a difference, let's divulge into the health condition itself.

What is Sciatica?
In Sciatica, the sciatic nerves have been affected for which you can feel the pain from the lower back extending to the back of the leg. The pain generally originates in the lower part of the back or the buttock area which travels to the legs. The intensity and the frequency of the pain can be severe or minimum, and frequent or constant. Some patients report that the feeling of the pain

How to diagnosis sciatica?
Unfortunately, the symptoms of the sciatica are quite similar to any other lower back pain. That's why it is very hard to diagnosis the actual reason from the signs. A proper diagnosis includes different sectors like the medical history of the patient along with the physical and neurological findings. To find out the root cause, you may have to undergo X-Ray, CT Scan, Electromyography. From these examination reports, the pain specialist will identify the lower back pain cause.

How does an anesthesiologist help to get relief in sciatica?
The main purpose of pain treatment is to prepare the body for self-healing. According to this therapy, the restriction of movements and pain are caused by the constraint spinal movement. The anesthesiologist treats the lower back in a drug-free and non-invasive way. Meet the Dr Raju Mantena pain specialist

There are many ways to reduce the pain like ultrasound, TENS, ice therapy as described following.

Ice therapy: It helps to reduce inflammation.
Ultrasound: It helps to increase blood circulation, build soft tissues and reduce muscle pain, cramping, stiffness, and spasm.
TENS: With the help of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation or TEN, the muscle stimulates to reduce the muscle spasms.
Adjustment: The main treatment process includes spinal manipulation to free the restricted spinal movement.

For more details visit